Tuesday, February 24, 2009

America trusts in itself......

On our dollar bill the statement is clearly made 'In God we trust'. There is a lot of debate about this from the secularists and there is an ongoing call for it to be removed.

Maybe the secularists have a point. After listening to both President Obama's State of the Union address and Governor Bobby Jindal's response perhaps we should change the dollar bill's statement to 'In ourselves we trust'.

President Obama continues to pose as America's new Messiah, the one who is going to rescue America from itself and make it what it really should be the greatest nation in the world. He is the great redeemer from the old politics, the one who believes that the new era rests on him the great uniter, the great example, the great radical. More and more government involvement in everything is what is needed to save America from itself.

Poor Bobby Jindal, the apparent new upcoming leader of the Republicans. His response from the Governor's mansion in Baton Rouge, LA was embarassingly bad. His mantra 'America can do anything' became nauseating after the third or fourth time. Decrying the President's belief that wider government will save America Gov. Jindal's rhetoric placed confidence in the American people as America's hope. His message 'In ourselves we trust' came over loud and clear.

What a tragic state of affairs this once great nation is now in! Paying lip-service to trust in God on our currency can no longer disguise the truth that we are trusting in ourselves whether at the level of government or society at large. Unless we awaken from the blindness of self-deception and face the fact that without God we can do nothing this nation is heading for much worse than the present economic judgment it is suffering.

Let us stop trusting in ourselves and turn to the living God through repentance from our covetousness and greed, arrogance and pride and let us humbly trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our sins and seek God for His mercy in our day of trouble......

1 comment:

  1. We are so impressed with ourselves. The wise became fools...
